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The Only Beginner Quilting Pattern Guide You Need To Read

The Only Beginner Quilting Pattern Guide You Need To Read

Quilting has become an even more popular art in recent years. Quilting patterns are in high demand by many quilting enthusiasts. You can find many types of quilting patterns online or in local stores near you. As a beginner, it is easy to get overwhelmed about the best patterns for your next quilting project.

Don't worry. Follow this guide! By the end of it, you will have a clear idea about quilting patterns. 

Know The Background of Quilting Patterns

Historically, quilting patterns were not widely used as they are today. In the past, sewers simply pierced the quilt blocks and clothing pieces they could find and arranged them in eye-pleasing patterns. Then they would share the ideas of the patterns they found with other sewers. Simply put, quilting patterns started as passing down a tradition.

But when quilting regained popularity, people started taking up quilting increasingly, which led to a rise in the demand for quilting patterns. Many artistic and hard-working quilters preferred to work alone. So many quilters were often seen searching for the right pattern. 

Fast Forwarding Things to 2021 and Beyond

Fortunately, there are many options for beautiful quilting patterns in today's time. Free patterns are available online as well as various purchase patterns. You can find many specific patterns in various quilting sections of brick-and-mortar stores today. 

Websites like All About Fabrics are home to an amazing collection of quilting fabrics. You will also find other relevant items like cotton and linen fabric, along with blankets & throws

When we're talking about fabrics, how can we leave upholstery fabric behind? You can search with something like upholstery fabrics online on Google and let Google take care of the rest. 

The Variety in Quilting Patterns

If you're looking to challenge yourself, Drunkard's Path quilt can be a good option. 

The Drunkard's Path quilt, made from a single pattern, uses half-square triangles to make a unique pattern that resembles a drunkard's path through town. The Drunkard's Path quilt is one of the oldest quilting patterns around, one that can be traced back centuries and has been used in everything from clothing to table runners.

Though it is best suited for the pro quilters, you can try your hand at it, and we're sure you'll learn a lot!

Offline Places to Find Quilting Patterns

Libraries are another great source to know more about quilting and the various sections involved in the process. You can find quilting patterns described towards the back end of the books. 

However, beware that you may get lost in the world of quilting patterns because books like The Quilter's Bible or Quilting For Dummies may contain amazing patterns that will blow your mind away. You may also find step-by-step quilting procedures for beginners that can help you get started with your next quilting project. If you have done quilting before, taking cues from such books will fast forward the progress of your next quilting project. 

We hope the quilting tips mentioned in this article will help you plan better for your next quilting project.

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